Nursing Homes Continue To Create Arbitration Problems.
If our readers use the sidebar search box, they will discover other cases involving nursing homes. Sometimes the problem of enforcing an arbitration agreement involving a nursing home resident arises because a relative signs for the resident, and issues arise as to whether the relative had authority to bind the non-signatory. Here, it was the resident himself, a stroke victim, who signed the agreement. However, there was substantial evidence that he was mentally impaired and lacked the ability to contract. The Court of Appeal affirmed the trial court's order denying the skilled nursing home's petition to compel arbitration. Pemilady Algo-Heyres v. Oxford Manor, LP, B319601 (2/6 2/28/23) (Baltodano, Gilbert, Yegan). A rebuttable presumption exists that all persons have the capacity to make decisions and to be responsible for their acts or decisions.