Interstate Transportation Workers Are Exempted From Arbitration Under The Federal Arbitration Act.
We have been remiss reporting on 9th Circuit cases since mid-July 2024. Now, we're doing a little catch-up.
An airline fuel technician qualifies as a transportation worker engaged in foreign or interstate commerce, and thus he is exempt from the FAA's arbitration requirements under Section 1. Danny Lopez v. Aircraft Service, Int'l, Inc., and Menzies Aviation (USA), Inc. , No. 23-55015 (9th Cir. 7/19/24) (Rawlinson, Melloy, Thomas). The case reinforces the FAA's exemption for transportation workers, emphasizing the functional role of such workers in facilitating interstate and international commerce.
COMMENT. What is the rationale behind the FAA exemption for seamen and interstate transportation workers? In 1925, when the FAA was enacted, maritime and railroad workers already had developed specialized labor dispute resolution procedures, and perhaps Congress did not want to interfere. Such workers are essential to the flow of commerce, perhaps too explaining their special treatment.