One More California Appellate Case Rejects Felisilda.
We have written before about courts rejecting the application of the equitable estoppel doctrine to allow vehicle manufacturers to piggyback on to the arbitration provision in sales contracts between customers and automobile dealerships. In Davis v. Nissan North America, Inc. v. Nissan North America, Inc., D083006 (4/1 3/15/24) (Buchanan, Do; Irion dsst) an automobile manufacturer and an authorized vehicle repair facility tried to take advantage of the arbitration agreement in the dealership contract, even though the manufacturer and the repair facility were not signatories to the arbitration agreement. Once more, the Court of Appeal rejected the equitable estoppel doctrine of Felisilda that would have allowed nonsignatories to rely on the arbitration agreement.
Justice Irion dissented, relying on the equitable estoppel doctrine.