Complaint Filed November 11, 2016 And Motion To Compel Arbitration Filed November 20, 2018.
Given two years elapsed between the time Plaintiff filed his putative class action wage and hour lawsuit, and the time Defendant filed its motion to compel arbitration, Defendant was going to have an uphill battle convincing the Court of Appeal that Defendant had not waived its right to arbitrate. Paul Garcia v. Haralambos Beverage Co., B296923 (2/5 1/4/21) (Kim, Baker, Moor).
The leading California case for analyzing waiver of the right to arbitrate is Agnes Medical Center v. PacifiCare of California, 31 Cal. $th 1187 (2003). Agnes lays out six factors to examine to determine if there has been a waiver of the right to arbitrate. Here, the court found three of the six to be present: undue delay, conduct inconsistent with asserting the right to arbitrate, and prejudice to the Plaintiff.
COMMENT: Courts do not like it when they whiff defendants delayed moving to compel arbitration while waiting to see if they could first accomplish favorable results in litigation. Perhaps the court caught a scent of that here, for Justice Kim wrote, "defendant here raised arbitration as a belated strategy, if not as a strategy of last resort."