Marc Alexander (This Blogger) And Mike Hensley Represented Defendants In Their Successful Response To This Appeal.
Today* we stray from our usual beat, California mediation and arbitration, to mention an appeal resulting in a partially published opinion. Why? Because this blogger, Marc Alexander, was involved, and because his long-time colleague Mike Hensley, with whom Marc contributes to the California Attorney's Fees blog, also participated. The case is Martinez v. O’Hara, et al., G054840 (4th Dist. Div. 3 February 28, 2019) (published in part). Justice Fybel, Acting. P.J., authored the opinion, joined by Justices Ikola and Thompson. In an unpublished part of the opinion, the case affirmed a judgment denying attorney's fees to the plaintiff/appellant. In the published part of the opinion, the panel referred plaintiff/appellant's attorney to the State Bar.
The opinion was partially published to send a message: "The notice of appeal signed by Mr. Pavone on behalf of plaintiff referred to the ruling of the female judicial officer as ‘succubustic.’ A succubus is defined as a demon assuming female form which has sexual intercourse with men in their sleep. We publish this portion of the opinion to make the point that gender bias by an attorney appearing before us will not be tolerated, period." The Court was also unhappy that the attorney accused the judicial officer of intentionally not following the law, without evidence.
The case has garnered some attention:
1. Kevin Underhill, the author of the "Lowering the Bar" blog, has blogged about the case under the heading, "Succubustic": Is It a Word You Should Use to Describe a Judge?
2. Debra Cassens Weiss, ABA Journal, Lawyer's 'succubustic' claim should be reported as gender bias to state bar, court concludes.
3. Bloomberg Law, California Lawyer in Hot Water for Sexist Insult of Judge.
4. Law360, Calif. Judges Slam Atty For Gender Remarks: Not OK, Period.
5. Justia, Legal Ethics Opinions.
6. Metropolitan News-Enterprise, Lawyer Who Likened Court Commission To Sex-Crazed She-Demon Is Chastised.
7. David C. Carr, California Legal Ethics, Court of Appeal Cites Lawyer to State Bar for Referring to Female Judge as "Succubistic."
8. Dane S. Ciolino, Louisiana Legal Ethics, Lawyer Sanctioned for Calling Trial Judge "Succubustic."
9. Michael J. Simkin, Legal Secrets, Professionalism Trumps Freedom of speech in the courtroom (which is a good thing) Bus. Code section 6068(b).
10. Heather Stern, Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles, March 2019-President's Message.
11. William Vogeler, Strategist, Protip: Don't Call a Judge a 'Succubus'.
12. Edward McIntyre, Take Note -- Courts Have Dictionaries.
13. 111 North Hill Street, Don't Do This.
14. Brian I. Hamblet, Martinez v. Stratton O'Hara: What you say (to the Court of Appeal) can and will be used against you.
15. California Attorney's Fees.
*This post has been updated since it originally appeared.