$78,154.49 In Unpaid Fees Plus $126,406.25 In Fees Plus $36,681.57 In Costs Plus $133,362.50 In Fees From Court For Motion To Compel And Motion To Confirm Award.
On April 28, 2018, my colleague Mike Hensley posted on Caswell v. Jamgotchian, Case No. B271389 (2d Dist., Div. 3 Apr. 24, 2018) (unpublished) in our California Attorney's Fees blawg. In this case, an attorney arbitrated a fee dispute with his client, obtained a substantial arbitration award for fees and costs, and the superior court judge then added fees for having to bring a motion to compel arbitration and confirm the award. Mike cites this case as demonstrating "how fees/costs easily can outstrip base compensatory award." And the former client is also on the hook for fees on appeal, to be determined by a fee petition before the superior court judge.