There Is A Connection To ADR . . .
My review of Professor Catherine L. Fisk's excellent new book, Writing for Hire: Unions, Hollywood and Madison Avenue (Harvard University Press 2016) appears in the latest volume of California Litigation: The Journal of the Litigation Section, State Bar of California (vol. 30, no. 1 2017), p. 33. The subject of the book is the divergent labor employment models for writers in the Hollywood entertainment industry, and for writers in advertising. The most notable difference is that Hollywood writers are unionized, whereas Madison Avenue writers are not. And there actually is a connection between the book's subject and alternative dispute resolution, because the greatest benefits achieved by writers in the entertainment industry are mostly the result of labor negotiations with management, rather than lawsuits.
The book review is reprinted and available by clicking here, with the permission of the California State Bar and the California Litigation journal. Of course, the views expressed are my own, and do not necessarily reflect those of the California State Bar, California Litigation, their staff, contributors, or advertisers.