Woody Allen Principle: "80% Of Life Is Showing Up."
Northeast elevation - Woody Allen Road Bridge, Spanning Oothalooga Creek at County Road 316, Adairsville, Bartow County, Georgia. Library of Congress.
In Newman v. The Ramona Terrace Community, LLC, No. E066400 (4/2 2/3/17) (Codrington, Hollenhorst, Slough) (unpublished), the Court holds: "Because Newman agreed to arbitration of his claims but refused to participate in the arbitration as ordered, we affirm the judgment." (slip op. at 2).
An arbitrator's decision is generally not subject to judicial review, because a mistake of law or fact is not a basis for overruling it. "The superior court denied Newman's petition to vacate the arbitration award, in which Newman accused the arbitrator of suffering from dementia." Alas, the Court of Appeal explained, "Newman has not provided any reasoned argument or evidence supporting reversal."
BONUS: From the Seinfeld episode, "The Big Salad":
Elaine: "Perhaps there's more to Newman than meets the eye."
Jerry: "No, there's less."