Obama Administration Has Sought Change In Law To Prevent Educational Institutions Getting Federal Funds From Requiring Students To Sign Pre-Dispute Arbitration Clauses.
Jillian Berman reports on July 22, 2016 in MarketWatch that students were able to sue Trump University in the courts because the students were not required to sign pre-dispute arbitration clauses.
In contrast to Trump University, Berman reports: “ About 98% of students enrolled in for-profit colleges receiving federal financial aid were subject to an arbitration clause, according to a report published earlier this year by the Century Foundation, a progressive think tank.”
Meanwhile, the Obama Administration has pushed to finalize rules to prevent colleges that receive federal financial aid from requiring students to sign pre-dispute arbitration clauses as a condition for enrollment. The rules are scheduled to take effect in 2016.
QUERY: How easily can the executive branch undo this change in rules after January 20, 2017?