Sour Wine To Drink?
Miners panning gold by Anton Refregier at Rincon Annex Post Office located near the Embarcadero at 101 Spear Street, San Francisco, California. Carol M. Highsmith, photographer. 2012. Library of Congress.
California Attorney’s Fees, the blawg that my colleague Mike Hensley and I have contributed to since 2008, has an August 28, 2016 post on Kent v. The Wine Group, A145104 (1/1 Aug. 19, 2016) (unpublished), in which the Court of Appeal upheld an arbitrator’s fee award of $3.25M and almost $357K in costs, against a CEO who sued The Wine Group, which had offered him $29M under a separation agreement over time. But he wanted $95M. He got an award of $29M alright, but he did not prevail, because he came up a bit short of accomplishing his objective. The moral is that arbitration, like litigation, can be very expensive. And perhaps there is another moral.